Area Rug Padding

Here at Oriental Rug Cleaning Plant Jacksonville, not only do we specialize in full immersion washing of Natural Fiber Area Rugs as well as Synthetic Area Rugs, but will also can provide you the best Area Rug Padding around.  We have a friendly staff on hand to help answer any questions you may have related to rug padding. We also have a professional rug cleaning technician on hand who oversees and is involved in the entire washing process of each rug, from beginning to end. Our Master Rug Technician has over a decade of cleaning experience and is well versed in all aspects of area rug cleaning and rug padding. We have spent years perfecting our service model in a way that provides the best results possible for each rug, fantastic customer service, all while ensuring each step in our process is as safe for your fine area rug as it is thorough.

One of the benefits of choosing our company is that you can get a brand new rug pad for your area rug from us as well. We keep fantastic rug padding in stock at our facility, which makes the process of replacing your area rug pad during a washing service as simple as can be! A high-quality oriental rug pad should last many years, before needing replacement. There are some simple to spot signs that will tell you when the rug pad needs replacement. If your pad is starting to fray, if you are seeing fibers of the padding next to your rug, or the padding is no longer helping to hold your rug in place, it may be time to replace the padding. If an animal has had an accident on the rug and in penetrated down to the padding. These signs are easy to spot, but typically only occur when a particular area rug pad has been used for too long. It is recommended to have your natural fiber rug professionally cleaned every one to three years. Though your rug pad can last even longer depending on many different variables. We can advise you on the state of your current pad while we are in home during our pickup inspection.

There are many benefits associated with rug padding. If it is time to have your natural fiber rug cleaned and you are on the fence as to whether or not you should purchase oriental rug padding or replacing your rug padding, here is some information to steer you the right decision.

Padding Types

When researching the purchase of new rug padding for your in-home rug, there are three main types to choose from. The three main types of area rug padding are Non-Slip Rubber, Felt and Felt-Rubber combination pads. Choosing the right pad for your particular rug and pad needs is important for a few reasons. Improper padding can actually damage your floor, as well as your fine area rug. One type in particular (known as Synthetic Non-Slip), is cheap and easily available in most department stores. We would recommend to seek other options as it is typically made of synthetic materials and covered with a non-slip coating. This type of padding can actually stick and remain on your floor or your rug itself, causing permanent damage.

Felt area rug padding is thicker and softer than standard non slip padding. Felt padding will not help to prevent slipping and bunching. This type of padding would be recommended for larger, heavier rugs that are held in place by furniture. Felt padding will provide extra padding for comfort and will also help provide a layer of protection for your floor. This type of padding typically wears at a quicker rate than other types.

Felt-Rubber combination padding is the best of both worlds, and this is why we carry only this style of padding on our rug plant.  A quality Felt-Rubber padding will have a layer of Non Slip, natural rubber padding on the bottom with a layer of soft felt padding on the top. That way you can reverse if the rug is ever transitioned to a carpeted surface. This combination of Felt and Rubber provide the non slip benefits of natural rubber padding along with the comfort and protection of felt. This is by far the best choice in rug padding, feel free to give us a call if you have questions about it, we can provide you with a sample.

Adds Comfort

Adding comfort seems to be the most desired. This added cushioning adds a layer of comfort to your area rug. Majority of the time, oriental rugs are placed on hard floors within the home. A rug laid directly on tile or a hardwood floor will not provide much cushioning and depending on the thickness, can barely feel as though the rug is even there. The cushioning provided by the padding makes it softer and a much more comfortable surface to walk, sit or lay on. This extra layer of cushioning will also help with noise reduction. A smaller added bonus that would be quite noticeable for homes with hard surface floors.

Helps With Safety

Is your rug “bunching up” on you? When your rug is laid out in your home, it may or may not have furniture placed on top of it to hold it in place. Other homes may have rugs in areas with no furniture placed on them. Either way, its inevitable that a rug with no padding is going to be susceptible to sliding or bunching. This puts anyone walking on or across the area rug at risk of a slip and fall hazard. The padding will help to hold the rug in place, which will prevent the edges of the rug from sliding or bunching up. This is one of the main reasons we recommend area rug padding, for its safety benefits.

Protective Barrier To Underlying Floor

Rug padding is typically made to help create a protective barrier between the rug and the surface beneath the rug. The obvious benefit to this is that if there is a spill on the rug, or an accident from an animal, the padding will help to prevent the spill or urine to seep through the area rug and damage the surface beneath the rug. Your rug would need tending, but the pad should save the flooring from any possible issues. This barrier of padding also helps to protect the floor from the rug itself. Over time, the dyes and tints on an area rug can begin to transfer to other materials. All rugs wear over time, no matter how well they were crafted. These dyes can transfer to your flooring under the rug and cause permanent staining. This issue is typically difficult to identify until the damage is done, due to the fact that most people do not inspect the area under their rug until it is being moved. The rug padding can help absorb these dye transfers, which will prevent damage to the underlying floor.

More Effective Maintenance

Not only should you regularly have your fine oriental rugs professionally cleaned, but we also recommend to regularly vacuum your rug. Vacuuming your rug a minimum of once a week will help to prevent an excessive buildup of dirt, dust, hair or any other contaminants that can accumulate in the fibers of the rug. Being that your rug will most likely be placed directly on a hard surface, it creates a stoppage when vacuuming which greatly reduces the effectiveness of the process. Padding under the area rug will provide some spacing between the base of the rug and the floor which will help with airflow during the vacuuming process. This added airflow helps the vacuum work much more efficiently, which helps to remove as much debris as possible. The less debris at the base of the rug, the longer the fibers will last.

Helpful Info

We hope this information is as helpful as possible for anyone who gives it a read. Educating our customers, and anyone else, on everything involved in all of the services we provide and products we offer is a great way to help our customers get the absolute most out of their entire experience with our company! Putting customer communication at the forefront our our company’s mission is how we are able to provide all the information needed for a customer to have the best experience that they can!

Just as this page helps you to understand the importance and benefits of using high quality rug padding, we also have a variety of other pages on our site that are incredibly helpful as well. We have pages dedicated solely to each individual step of our full-immersion rug washing process. We also have pages that discuss our amazing Guaranteed Odor Removal, full-submersion pre-treatment, as well as pricing and other helpful information. If you have some general questions, you can always reach out by phone, text, email or live chat, or you could check out our blog page for blogs that discuss all types of topics covering area rugs. We truly believe in the power of communication and once you reach out to us, you will see why!

Give us a call anytime to discus your area rug padding needs and questions, we are happy to help in direct you in the proper size and style for you specific rugs needs.